Saturday, June 27, 2009

Custom Orders

Sales have been way down on Etsy for a lot of people right now. I don't know if no one has any money because of the recession, or if everyone's on holidays, but I've heard from a lot of people - myself included - that etsy is at a stand still. It's been driving me nuts, because I've been spending so much money on supplies, and re-listing my items, and getting nothing back. not even very many views or hearts.

I was beginning to just become totally discouraged about my jewelry as a whole, and almost decided to end the whole thing, when a friend of mine asked if she could take my jewelry to her work. apparently they liked the necklace I gave her and wanted to see the rest of my stuff.

I made almost 150.00!! I guess that's not that much for some people, but having just started on etsy, that's a major acomplishment for me, and it made it possible for me to get something I've been putting off for a year. A guitar amp. I bought an electric guitar a little over a year ago now, with the intention of getting an amp "soon" and just kept putting it off. Working part time, and paying for your own school doesn't leave too much extra spending money for things like guitar amps. I'm so excited. I got it yesterday and read all the instruction manual thing, so today I finally get to try it. very excited. it's a peavey viper 15 for anyone who plays.